Conditie: Goed Auteur: David Dotlich is a senior partner with Pivot Leadership, Inc., a consortium of senior business advisers who provide executive learning around issues of growth, wellness, sustainability, and globalization.?Peter Cairo and Stephen Rhinesmith are senior partners with Oliver Wyman Leadership Development, a firm that accelerates the development of great leadership as a source of strategic advantage, working collaboratively with clients based on their strategy, culture, and values, across every organizational level, from the executive team to the front line. Ron Meeks is an independent consultant, who utilizes his business-based diagnostic skills, combined with an ability to facilitate intensive and provocative forums to drive targeted leadership learning. Genre: Management Techniques: Professional Bindwijze: Loose-Leaf Verschijningsdatum: Aantal pagina's: Produkt lengte: Produkt breedte: Gewicht: Taal: English EAN: 9780470499023